
Showing posts from May, 2021

Chicken poop

 Chicken poop... . Today I have been thinking about anger.  How quick are we to give the peace and joy, God has offered us,  away to things. I loved having our chickens.  Listening to them and watching them in their free ranging mode was so relaxing and put a smile on my face.  BUT when I walked out on our porch barefooted and stepped on a pile of poop or had to clean the poop off of the kid's toys or the grill..whew. I was boiling. I am sure I cussed the rebellious creatures' existence several times.  I would rave and rant for a while.  I'd either call Noe or bombard him with the anger when he got home and demand we do something about their ability to invade our space.  CHICKEN POOP, Y'ALL!! I GAVE AWAY A WHOLE DAY OF PEACE OVER POOP. YOU WOULD'VE THOUGHT THEY POOPED DIRECTLY IN THE LENSE OF THE "FLASHLIGHT" I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SHINING FOR OUR LORD.  HE LIVED PERFECT AND DIED TO ALLOW ME TO LIVE A LIFE AS HE DID, AND I WASTED A WHOLE DAY FOR LITERAL POOP